Preview: Adamson Soaring Falcons: Building for the Future
Posted Jul 8th 2014
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By Josiah Albelda Posted Jul 7th 2014
Meet Martina "Gabby" Dario.
Her father is from La Salle. Her mother is from Ateneo. And the moment she entered the University of the Philippines, she knew the UAAP will be an inevitable part of her college life.
"It's a family affair. This is more of my dad's dream for me. I will take them to the games," said Dario, UP's new courtside reporter for Season 77.
Now representing the Fighting Maroons, Dario promises to bring a lot of fun for the Diliman squad.
She has high hopes.
"UP is a fun team. I want to bring a positive outlook to what they will be bringing this season," the fourth year Broadcast Communication student said.
Although already familiar with reporting, Dario says being in the UAAP will still be different from their usual activities in their college.
"Usually may teleprompter and we concentrate on news and public affairs," said Dario, who relayed she is a Roger Federer and Kobe Bryant fan. "It is different from being thrown in front of camera and doing a 30-seconder."
But being the UAAP aficionado she always used to be, the 20-year-old Makati lady is ready for the big games.
"Even if it is not a championship game, I am there watching with my mom and dad," she shared. "That is where I got my grasp of the sport. I won't start from scratch."
In fact, she already gave a glimpse of how the Fighting Maroons are bracing for this year's battle.
"What's good with this season is they had more time with coach Rey Madrid. I hope it also brings a lot of positivity that Dan Palami is the new team manager."
As UP's Season 77 campaign nears, Dario is sure of one thing: it will be a fun ride for her and the Fighting Maroons.
(With a report from Levi Verora)
UAAP Magazine